Who We Are
TPPC is a place of worship and a center of community activity and support. For 125 years, TPPC has provided space and support for more than 100 groups. These include Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, a child care center, other spiritual and religious groups, and many youth sports groups. The Church partners with Crossroads Community Food Network to provide a commercial kitchen for 17 farm-to-food business partnerships and a micro-enterprise training program.
For more than 25 years, TPPC has welcomed all people to participate in our congregation regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Our church recognized same-sex unions long before the Maryland and federal governments. As a More Light Presbyterian congregation, we also affirm gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender members as leaders of our church and denomination.
Our Vision, Mission, and Core Values Statements, along with statements on Living our Mission and Living our Values, are available for viewing on this website.

Racial Mindfulness Commitment
TPPC leaders adopted a Resolution of Committed Racial Mindfulness to undertake a program "to raise our knowledge and understanding about racism and its effects, heighten our commitment and capability to oppose racism, and make us more effective messengers of conscientious racial mindfulness in our communities.” The centerpiece of the resolution is our commitment to engage in awareness training. We recently dedicated a new banner inspired by the words and life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr; a video of the dedication ceremony is available.