Christian Education
Christian Education at TPPC seeks to provide opportunities for children, youth, and adults to learn and grow in faith, living out the teachings of Jesus Christ, and to be of service to others.
Children & Youth Sunday School
We welcome all children and youth to our church.
We have Sunday School every Sunday for K- elementary students (but older children can participate).
We have a special event/service project on the first Sunday of every month for all ages.
We hope to begin a Youth Class in January.
There is a nursery for children under 5 from 9:30 to 12:30 during the school year.
For more information, contact christed@takomaparkpc.org .
According to our Child Protection Policy (PDF), all our staff and regular volunteer teachers are required to pass a background check but more importantly are trained in processes to assure your child’s well-being whether in the classroom, on outings, service projects, or anywhere in the church setting.
Youth Ministry
Colesville Presbyterian Church is inviting us to join them and other area PCUSA churches to pack food bags in their Rise Against Hunger program on Saturday morning, October 28th from 9 am to noon. This is a great opportunity to love neighbors in need.
Please contact the church office (office@takomaparkpc.org) if you are interested so we can let Colesville know how many TPPC-ers will be coming. It is our understanding that this event qualifies for service learning hours.
For more information on other youth-related activities, watch for meeting dates on our online calendar.
Adult Education
On Sunday mornings September 15 and 22 (with the possibility of extending a third week to September 29 if more time is needed) starting at 9:30 AM in the church parlor we will be reading and discussing the September 2024 special edition of The Presbyterian Outlook magazine on reparations. The September edition includes 6 short essays on that theme that we will read and discuss, building upon the reparations book discussion from earlier in the year.
More information is available in this blog post.
We have studied Howard Thurman’s Meditations of the Heart, Martin Luther King’s Letter from the Birmingham Jail, the Barmen Confession, a series examining “Who Is Our Neighbor?”, and the book Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations. Recently we held a special online forum on Climate Change, COVID, and Vulnerable Communities with Interfaith Power and Light and are planning a series beginning this fall that will examine climate change as a justice issue.
For more information contact adulted@takomaparkpc.org.