A Church for All People
Takoma Park Presbyterian is a loving, joyous, welcoming, and spirit-led community. We embrace humanity’s differences and work together to heal relationships, care for God’s creation, and advance the cause of justice and peace.
We Worship Together
Our worship times vary throughout the year. Worship is at 11 AM during the school year. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, worship takes place at 10 AM.
We regularly publish blog posts on our website with previews of upcoming worship services (including the bulletin) and announcements of links to videos and audio of recent services.
The Takoma Park Presbyterian Church continues hybrid worship, worshiping both in-person and online. See the COVID-19 Update page for the latest information.
We Support Each Other
The deacons at TPPC strive to be a channel of God’s love, strength, and energy by visiting home-bound individuals, assisting in crisis and chronic situations, and providing information about community services.
Do you know of needs in our church community or among your neighbors that are not being met? Are there people who could use regular calls or groceries? Would you like to help meet needs as they are identified?
Email deacons@takomaparkpc.org.

Worship: Sundays at 11 AM
People are welcome to come to church for worship. We ask that worshipers who are not fully vaccinated continue to wear masks. If you have a vulnerable health condition or just prefer to wear a mask, please feel free to do so.
We will continue to live-stream our worship (feed available starting about 10:45 AM), delivering a complete service on Zoom. If you encounter problems accessing our worship, email zoom@takomaparkpc.org.