Mission Partners
The TPPC “Living into our Mission” statement reads, in part, that we seek “to become a more mission-oriented and confessing congregation, a community for others called by Christ to responsible action in the world” and “to deepen our involvement with peacemaking, racial mindfulness, social justice, LGBTQ rights and concerns, reconciliation, and critical steps to protect the earth.” That includes our own personal commitments as well as our collective actions, including our witness, direct action, advocacy, and financial support.
Each year, our Social Witness and Action Committee selects organizations in our community and around the world to support through our mission budget. The organization and community partners we support financially and in many cases through our participation as well are listed below.
We encourage you to visit their websites and to give generously, either through TPPC or via your direct contributions!
Current Mission Partners
Action in Montgomery (AIM) is a multi-faith, multi-racial, non-partisan community power organization rooted in the congregations of Montgomery County, Maryland, dedicated to making our county and state a better place to live and thrive.
Pronounced “bah-DAY Chan” Bdecan Presbyterian Church is the only native American church in North Dakota. Its name means “Wood Lake” in the native Dakota language. Founded as a mission church in 1879, it is a member of the Dakota Presbytery and is located on the Spirit Lake Reservation in north-central North Dakota.
Black Lives Matter DC is a member-based abolitionist organization centering Black people most at risk for state violence in DC, creating the conditions for Black Liberation through the abolition of systems and institutions of white supremacy, capitalism, patriarchy, and colonialism.
Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN) seeks to build a diverse movement powerful enough to put our region on the path to climate stability.
Community Health and Empowerment through Education and Research (CHEER), serving the Long Branch and Takoma Park neighborhoods, provides people with the knowledge and ability to create healthy, thriving communities.
The Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua (CEPAD), founded in 1972 to provide emergency response after a large earthquake hit Nicaragua, currently works in various programs to aid communities in Nicaragua.
Crossroads Community Food Network is building a healthier, more inclusive food system in Maryland’s Takoma/Langley Crossroads. Crossroads Farmers Market has been making fresh, healthy food more accessible in the Takoma/Langley Crossroads since 2007.
Frontera de Cristo is a Presbyterian binational border ministry offering shelter, resources, education, emotional support, medical care, and new solutions through community-driven partnerships with ministries and secular organizations in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico and Douglas, Arizona. It also hosts short-term delegations that focus on getting to know the people and their ministries in Agua Prieta.
Interfaith Power & Light works with hundreds of congregations of many faiths across DC, Maryland, and Northern Virginia to save energy, go green, and respond to climate change.
Montgomery Housing Partnership serves more than 4,000 residents of Montgomery County and neighboring communities by providing more than 2,275 quality affordable homes.
More Light Presbyterians (MLP) engages over 230 congregations and thousands of individuals in the Presbyterian Church (USA), enabling Presbyterians to lead LGBTQIA+ service and advocacy in communities nationwide.
Namulaba Health Center is a clinic that provides free medical care including HIV testing, childhood immunization, and primary health care to a rural community in Uganda that has limited access to medical services.
Presbyterian Mission is the national ministry arm of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the largest of the PC(USA)’s six General Assembly agencies.
The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship (PPF) connects, equips, and supports people in the work of peacemaking and nonviolence through its Activist Council and Peace Churches.
Shepherd's Table seeks to improve quality of life, create a pathway towards self-sufficiency, and inspire hope for the most vulnerable experiencing food insecurity, homelessness, and poverty in Silver Spring and Takoma Park and neighboring areas.
Other TPPC Mission Partners
Here are more partners aided by our mission budget:
More information will be available at a later date.
Events and News
The TPPC Green Team invites you to learn about environmental issues being considered in the Maryland General Assembly. Interfaith Power & Light and Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake will be hosting a virtual legislative briefing on Sunday, February 4th, from 2-3:30 pm.
Our annual Church Polar Bear Plunge team is forming up now in preparation for the February 10th dip in the Potomac River to fight climate change.
Photo by Blake Guidry on Unsplash.
Ruth Noel and her husband, Ray Nosbaum volunteered at the Migrant Resource Center (MRC) in Agua Prieta, MX, in September 2023. While in Dougla-Prieta, they stayed in Douglas, AZ at the Frontera de Cristo office, a Presbyterian border mission.
Small Things Matter (STM), one of our church’s Mission Partners, seeks our help to collect backpacks for schoolchildren. If you would like to donate backpacks and school supplies, please bring them to the back of the sanctuary by August 13. All donated supplies should be new.
The Takoma Park Presbyterian Church Fall Bazaar is back after three years of COVID!!
It will be held Saturday, Oct 22 from 9 AM to 3 PM in the Don Patti Memorial Gym, 310 Tulip Ave Takoma Park. The Bazaar is like a huge Yard Sale with furniture, housewares, electronics, adult and children’s clothing, toys, books jewelry and so much more!! A bake sale, lunch, and Silent Auction are included. All proceeds go to the expenses of the Churchto support its mission, and to maintain its buildings, which are used extensively for community activities and events, including the Community Kitchen.
Please consider donating items in good condition for this event by bringing them to 310 Tulip Ave, Takoma Park, from Tuesday to Thursday, Oct. 18 to OCT 20, from 4-8 PM. If you have questions, please call the Church Office at 301-270-5550.
Come and Shop for Great Bargains, have lunch with friends, and bid on Silent Auction
Treasures from 9 to 3 on Saturday Oct 22nd.
Most small-scale food businesses don’t have the capital to invest in their own production facilities, and rental costs at the handful of available commercial kitchens in the DC area are high. Crossroads Community Food Network’s shared-use Takoma Park Silver Spring Community Kitchen located in TPPC provides much-needed affordable food prep and storage space to local food producers.
Going to camp is a privilege some kids get to enjoy every week of the summer and others never enjoy it once. A local effort is raising money to help kids get to summer camp, with the support of TPPC.
Photo by TJ Dragotta on Unsplash
The brothers and sisters at San José Church, our sister parish in Jiñocuao, Nicaragua, celebrated Easter in worship at their church.
Maryland is one of the top state hosts of Afghan refugees, and there are many local agencies serving refugees in the DMV. These are just some of the many groups pitching in to help our newest residents create safe homes.
Photo by Nina Strehl on Unsplash
Two online advocacy events related to the 2022 edition of Ecumenical Advocacy Days occur after Easter.