Environmental Ministry

Our church has a long history of environmental advocacy. To help focus and provide structure to those efforts, we launched the Green Team environmental ministry in 2021 to guide efforts in four areas: worship, education, facilities, and outreach.

The Green Team

Worshipers at our sister parish in Jiñocuao

Green Team initiatives include: 

  • Spearheading care for creation along Sligo Creek in coordination with other local faith communities;

  • Obtaining certification for TPPC by the Presbyterian Church USA as an Earth Care Congregation;

  • Leading our church’s participation in the Interfaith Power and Light regional network of congregations committed to saving energy, educating the community about the environment, and responding to climate change;

  • Helping the church install rooftop solar power in 2021 and educating the congregation about solar power opportunities for their own homes (a video of a blessing for the solar panels is available on this website);

The Green Team currently meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month. To join the Green Team or learn more about us, please contact green@takomaparkpc.org


This section contains resources for creation care and sustainable living. To suggest a resource, please contact green@takomaparkpc.org.

Events and News