Environmental Ministry
Our church has a long history of environmental advocacy. To help focus and provide structure to those efforts, we launched the Green Team environmental ministry in 2021 to guide efforts in four areas: worship, education, facilities, and outreach.
The Green Team
Green Team initiatives include:
Spearheading care for creation along Sligo Creek in coordination with other local faith communities;
Obtaining certification for TPPC by the Presbyterian Church USA as an Earth Care Congregation;
Leading our church’s participation in the Interfaith Power and Light regional network of congregations committed to saving energy, educating the community about the environment, and responding to climate change;
Helping the church install rooftop solar power in 2021 and educating the congregation about solar power opportunities for their own homes (a video of a blessing for the solar panels is available on this website);
Maintaining native plant and pollinator gardens and working with the National Wildlife Federation and other organizations to promote native plant gardening (including a Mother’s Day Native Plant Giveaway of 200 native plants);
Supporting the Chesapeake Climate Action Network to fight global warming.
The Green Team currently meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month. To join the Green Team or learn more about us, please contact green@takomaparkpc.org
This section contains resources for creation care and sustainable living. To suggest a resource, please contact green@takomaparkpc.org.
Gardening for Wildlife (National Wildlife Federation)
Gardening for Mother Nature: Sustainable Gardening Guide (Kremp Florist)