Committed Racial Mindfulness Ministry
After 7 years of growth and discernment, our church-wide initiative of COMMITTED RACIAL MINDFULNESS is beginning a new chapter. Our Session has adopted CRM as an official ministry of the church, to be supported by each Session committee in their work. We have budgeted for training committee members and other needs, and each church committee will designate one of its members as a CRM liaison. Meeting plans can be seen under Events and News.
CRM background
Our Committed Racial Mindfulness Ministry was born in 2015 in response to a cry from our congregation that racism is against the will of God, and its continuation in our lives is unacceptable.
Committed Racial Mindfulness
We resolved that:
Ignorance is not excusable; some things must be learned
Silence is not acceptable; some things must be said
Avoidance is not tolerable; some things must be confronted
Inaction is not an option; some things must be transformed.
And we committed to:
Understand the dynamics of racism
Build relationships and allyships to challenge racism
Heighten our courage to advocate for justice and equality
Confront and overcome racism
Promote healing and restoration.
Get Involved! Our meetings are on the second Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM and are held on Zoom.
Study with us as we share materials to heighten understanding of racism and justice (in seminars, conversations, exchanges, and correspondence)
Engage in advocacy & allyship to promote racial justice and equality. Our Presbyterians for Police Transformation group meets Wednesdays at 8:15 p.m.*
Participate in anti-racism training & seminars to address interpersonal and systemic racism (watch this website and emails for future events).
For more information about the TPPC Committed Racial Mindfulness Ministry, contact committedracialmindfulness@takomaparkpc.org.
*All meetings are currently held on Zoom.
Presbyterians for Police Transformation
An offshoot of TPPC’s Committed Racial Mindfulness group, the Presbyterians for Police Transformation team works to change national, state, county, and municipal policy and budgets with respect to policing and alternative approaches to pursuing public safety.
The group meets weekly to share information and plan advocacy strategies.
In 2020, we equipped ourselves for the work through reading and research and defining our strategies and goals. At the end of 2020, we released a statement of priorities that guided our work going forward.
In 2021, we first focused on advocacy at the state level, helping to secure historic reforms in Annapolis. After the state legislative session ended in April, our attention turned to the county and municipal levels.
Yearly we review progress in this area and revise our goals and priorities.
To find out how you can participate in our advocacy campaigns, contact pfpt@takomaparkpc.org.