2024 Lent Activities at TPPC
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
What is Lent?
“Lent marks the forty days leading up to Jesus’s murder and surprising return to life three days later. It is a practice that began during the fourth century as a way to prepare Christians for the holiest, hardest days of our story.
During Lent, we ask God to show us the world as it is. We begin with the reality of our finitude rubbed on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday – from dust we were made, to dust we shall return. Then, we walk through that reality in a kind of dress rehearsal. It’s the downward slope of God – the Great Descent. The whole church must descend to the depths with their savior.
Suddenly, all of us are on the losing team. And we look at each other with well-earned wonder, horror, and awe. We begin to tell each other the truth again: life is so beautiful and life is so hard. For everyone.
Of course, the cross isn’t the end of the story. But this season of grief is carved out to acknowledge the reality of Jesus’s sacrifice. Our savior knew pain and grief and despair, and so do we. Easter is coming, yes. But for now we sit in the ashes of our broken dreams and broken hearts, knowing that God sits here with us.”
-Kate Bowler, Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day
Below is a list of worship-related activities for Lent at TPPC.
February 14th -Ash Wednesday
Noon til 1 pm – A simple drop-by for ashes and a blessing will be offered at the church.
7 pm - An Ash Wednesday worship service will be held in the sanctuary (Available on Zoom)
Lenten Vespers will be held each Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary on February 21, 7 PM each Wednesday of Lent afterwards. (Available on Zoom)
A bulletin for the March 27th service is available.
Links to videos from Vesper Services:
Lenten Worship will be held each Sunday at 11 a.m. from February 18th through March 24th.
Maundy Thursday Worship and Communion will be held on March 28th at 7 pm.
Good Friday Worship will be held on March 29th at noon. (Video of service available)
Easter Breakfast will be held Easter Morning in the Assembly Room starting at 9 AM. Please join us for everyone's favorite Easter breakfast. There will be great food, fellowship, and activities for kids.
Please bring a dish to share and join us.
Easter Sunday Worship will be held on March 31st at 11 a.m.
All services in the sanctuary will have a Zoom option - Sunday worship is also available on Zoom.
This page will be updated as events warrant.
For information on getting to different events at TPPC, access our Getting Around TPPC page.
Orders for Easter Lilies are now being taken. The deadline is Palm Sunday, March 24th.
For more information and an online form, access the Easter Lilies page of the website.
Another kind of Easter Lily at Takoma Park Presbyterian Church