Takoma Park Presbyterian Church

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Adult Ed Series on Reparations in September

On Sunday mornings September 15 and 22 (with the possibility of extending a third week to September 29 if more time is needed) starting at 9:30 AM in the church parlor we will be reading and discussing the September 2024 special edition of The Presbyterian Outlook magazine on reparations. The September edition includes 6 short essays on that theme that we will read and discuss, building upon the reparations book discussion from earlier in the year.

In October, we will have a four-week special worship series (including two guest preachers) continuing on the theme of restorative justice. Hopefully, the September class will prove to be a good preparation for the October worship series.

The Social Witness and Action Committee will also be submitting to Session later this year its proposal for how to spend our capital campaign's "mission tithe' in a manner that will put some of what we learn and pray about into action.

If you would like to participate on the 15th and 22nd, please let us know via email (adulted@takomaparkpc.org) or in person in worship this Sunday (September 8). If you already have a copy of the magazine, just let us know you do and will be participating. If you need a copy of the magazine, let us know and we will get one to you. We have 10 copies, which will be on a first-come, first served. If we need to get more, we can do that.

Once we have the participant list, we will contact those who plan to attend with which articles will be the focus for the first week, along with the questions to consider while doing the reading in advance of the class.

We plan to have this discussion in person; we can add a Zoom feed if it is requested.