Fall Worship Update
Reminder: We return to 11 AM worship on September 10
World Communion Sunday, October 1
World Communion Sunday, October 2019
The first Sunday in October is designated as World Communion Sunday, which celebrates our oneness in Christ with our sisters and brothers around the corner and around the world.
At TPPC we are graced with people from many cultures. Yet, we all share the one loaf and the one cup, offered in peace by our Savior.
To honor our diversity as we celebrate our unity in Christ, we suggest that we come to worship that day (Sunday, October 1) wearing some clothing that is common to your own tradition, one that you admire, or a place where you lived and admired the clothing.
Also, please bring a cloth from your own or any other cultural heritage or any culture that you like, so that together we may use them to decorate the church to share and experience God’s abundance in every culture.
Note: Parking will be limited due to the Takoma Street Festival. You may nee to park in a residential neighborhood, or the Takoma Metro Station lot.
World Communion Sunday is also the day we collect the Peace and Global Witness special offering. God’s presence empowers us to bring peace to all people. Through our gifts to the Peace and Global Witness Offering, we, as a single congregation, participate in this larger work that we would not be able to do on our own.
A gift to this Offering enables the church to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of conflict and injustice across the world, as well as right here at home.
For more information, access the Peace and Global Witness Offerings page.
Save the Date
On Sunday, October 8 at 3 p.m., there will be a service for blessing the animals in front of the church.
We’ll be blessing our furry, not-so-furry, and even slithery friends in this brief warm, welcoming, light-hearted ecumenical service.
We are hoping this will be a community event, so invite your friends and neighbors.
Sunday, October 8th is our Bleesing of the Animals service at 3 PM.