Join the TPPC Polar Bear Plunge Team

Ploar bear swimming under water in a water park

Polar Bear Plunge

National Harbor

February 10

Our annual Church Polar Bear Plunge team is forming now in preparation for the February 10th dip in the Potomac River to fight climate change. This year we are also honoring the memory of church member David Olson.

To join the plunge, access the TPPC Polar Bear Plunge page and select the button "Join the Plunge Team."

It's an amazing experience on the beach at National Harbor. You'll love it and the money you raise benefits both the TPPC Social Witness in Action Committee as well as the Chesapeake Climate Action Network.

We hope you join us on February 10th!

Photo by Blake Guidry on Unsplash.


Worship Video and Audio, January 7


This Sunday’s Worship: January 7