Summer Worship Begins Soon at TPPC
Summer worship is coming…
Starting Sunday, May 26, our worship services will begin at 10:00 AM. This will continue until September 1. On September 8, we will return to our regular 11:00 AM service hour.
Over the next few weeks, there will be some events in worship to lead into summer.
Pentecost Sunday is May 19! Each year on Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and the birthday of the church. The Holy Spirit remains with us still, connecting us with the church of the past, continuing to inspire the church of today, and pointing us to the church of the future.
This celebration is marked by receiving the Pentecost Offering which nurtures the faith of those who are the church to come.
If possible, please wear something red in celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit.
On Sunday, May 26, we will hold our annual worship on the steps. Worshippers are invited to join us on the Maple Avenue side lawn, please bring something to share: a thought, a reading, a poem, a song, an instrument….
When no one ispeaks, we’ll enjoy the fellowship, the singing birds, and the passers-by.
On Sunday, June 9., we plan on celebrating our graduates.
All are invited to all our services.