Welcome Back To Your Church!
Welcome back to TPPC!
Another September marks the beginning of another program year at Takoma Park Presbyterian Church. We have a number of activities to welcome you back to your church home, or to help make this your new church home.
Below you’ll find information on worship, a welcoming brunch, choir rehearsals, our plans for Fall Sunday School, and the start of our Women’s Bible Study.
Regular worship time
Worship will move back to its regular starting time of 11 AM on Sunday, September 11th.
Before worship on Sunday, there will be a Welcome Back Brunch in the TPPC Assembly Room starting at 9:30 AM. Please bring a potluck dish to share and welcome everyone back for the coming year. For more information, access
Choir rehearsals resume
TPPC Choir rehearsals will resume Monday, September 12, at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Sanctuary. Rehearsals are scheduled for every Monday evening starting at 7.
Our fall Sunday School program will consist of monthly gatherings of children and youth on selected Sundays after the "time with children" section of worship in their own space upstairs.
Special service projects and activities are planned for all ages on September 11, October 2, and November 6.
On days when we are not planning a monthly special activity, Sunday School teachers will be available for an abbreviated lesson upstairs during the worship service if kids are present and interested in joining.
For more information, contact christed@takomaparkpc.org or access
In additon, on Sunday September 11, our middle and high school youth are invited to the first Sunday Check-In.
We envision this as an informal, hour-long gathering starting at 12:30 pm in the Assembly Room. We’ll share a provided lunch and conversation about what’s going on with us and our world, a time of checking-in with our TPPC siblings.
Women’s Bible Study
Women's Bible Study starts again on September 10th at 10:30 AM.
This year's Women’s Bible Study is on "Celebrating Sabbath: Accepting God's Gift of Rest and Delight", considering the meaning of Sabbath through passages from Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Isaiah, Matthew, Luke, and Acts.
If you have questions, please contact womensbiblestudy@takomaparkpc.org.