Coming Soon in Worship
There are some special events in worship on the horizon, including our blessing of the backpacks service on August 27.
This Sunday’s Worship: august 6th
(Sunday, August 6th At 10 AM, Hybrid Worship: In-Person and Live-Streamed On Zoom)
Scripture: Psalm 145 v. 8-9 and v. 14-18 and Matthew 14; 13-21
Sermon: Tale of Two Banquets by Pastor Mark Harper
And so new life was born in the dark of that pit of hell. And so the midwife died before dawn, still bathed in blood. Let us be midwives! Let us be midwives! Even if we lay down our own lives to do so.”
--Sadako Kurihara, Let Us Be Midwives! An Untold Story of the Atomic Bombing”
Worship Video and Audio, July 23rd
Links to the video and audio of the hybrid worship service held on Sunday, July 23 at the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church are now available.
Worship Video and Audio, July 30
Links to the video and audio of the hybrid worship service held on Sunday, July 30 at the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church are now available.
Photo by Jacques LE HENAFF on Unsplash
This Sunday’s Worship: July 30th
(Sunday, July 30 At 10 AM, Hybrid Worship: In-Person and Live-Streamed On Zoom)
Scripture: Romans 8:18-27 and Matthew 13:31-33
Sermon: Bird Sanctuary by Pastor Mark Harper
“(God) also showed me a tiny thing in the palm of my hand, the size of a hazelnut. I looked at this with the eye of my soul and thought: ‘What is this?’ And this is the answer that came to me: ‘It is all that is made.’ I was astonished that it managed to survive: it was so small that I thought it might disintegrate. And in my mind I heard this answer: ‘It lives on and will live on forever because God loves it.’” -Julian of Norwich, 14th Century
Photo by Jacques LE HENAFF on Unsplash
This Sunday’s Worship: July 23rd
(Sunday, July 23 At 10 AM, Hybrid Worship: In-Person and Live-Streamed On Zoom)
Scripture: Genesis 28:10-19 and 2 Timothy 4:1-8
Sermon: The Best of Your Service by Rev. Eugene Eastman
“Blessed are you who have reached a new age – even if it doesn’t seem to fit. It may feel too big. Too reductive. Too limiting. It may be marked by a life you barely recognize. The kids who have all moved out or settled somewhere far away. The work that no longer sets the daily hum. The life partner who is gone and friends you’ve outlived. The body that doesn’t allow for the hobby you love anymore. The monthly check that doesn’t provide the flexibility you’d hoped for … God, give us the eyes to notice the ways life can still be beautiful and rich and full in the midst of so much that has been lost. Remind us that you are not done with us yet.” - Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie, The Lives We Actually Have
Back to School With Small Things Matter
Small Things Matter (STM), one of our church’s Mission Partners, seeks our help to collect backpacks for schoolchildren. If you would like to donate backpacks and school supplies, please bring them to the back of the sanctuary by August 13. All donated supplies should be new.
Worship Video and Audio, July 16th
Links to the video and audio of the hybrid worship service held on Sunday, July 16 at the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church are now available.
Photo by Jacques LE HENAFF on Unsplash
Worship Video and Audio, JuLy 2nd
Links to the video and audio of the hybrid worship service held on Sunday, July 2 at the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church are now available.
Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash
This Sunday’s Worship: July 16th
(Sunday, July 16 At 10 AM, Hybrid Worship: In-Person and Live-Streamed On Zoom)
Scripture: Luke 6:20-38 and Jeremiah 6:13-16
Sermon: His Eye is on the Sparrow by Matt Kaiser
“There’s trouble ahead when you live only for the approval of others, saying what flatters them, doing what indulges them. Popularity contests are not truth contests – look how many scoundrel preachers were approved by your ancestors! Your task is to be true, not popular.” - Eugene Peterson, The Message, Luke 6:26
Photo by Jacques LE HENAFF on Unsplash
This Sunday’s Worship: July 9th
(Sunday, July 9 At 10 AM, Hybrid Worship: In-Person and Live-Streamed On Zoom)
Scripture: Zechariah 9:9-12 and Song of Solomon 2:8-13
Sermon: Love and Liberation by Rev. David Ensign
“Sometimes I feel lost,” said the boy. “Me too,” said the mole, “but we love you, and love brings you home.” - Charlie Mackesy, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse
This Sunday’s Worship: July 2nd
(Sunday, July 2 At 10 AM, Hybrid Communion Worship: In-Person and Live-Streamed On Zoom)
Scripture: Psalm 89:1-4 and Matthew 11:2-6
Sermon: Sighs and Wonders by Pastor Mark Harper
“ ‘Isn’t love enough?’ (Jesus) asks John. ‘No,’ John answers angrily. ‘The tree is rotten. God called me and gave me the ax, which I then placed at the roots of the tree. I did my duty. Now you do yours: Take the ax and strike!’ ‘If I were fire, I would burn,’ Jesus says. ‘If I were a woodcutter, I would strike; but I am a heart, and I love.’” - Nikos Kazantzakis, The Last Temptation of Christ
Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash
Worship Video and Audio, June 18
Links to the video and audio of the hybrid worship service held on Sunday, June 18 at the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church are now available.
Photo by Oladimeji Odunsi on Unsplash
This Sunday’s Worship: June 25th
(Sunday, June 25 At 10 AM, Hybrid Worship: In-Person and Live-Streamed On Zoom)
Scripture: Matthew 10:40-42 and John 11:1-6, 17-27
Sermon: Unbinding Mary by Pastor Mark Harper
“Like it or not, the gospel is a story unleashed. Even Jesus had trouble keeping a lid on it … And that makes some people nervous. That makes me nervous. Because it means every Christian gets a testimony, every Christian gets a ‘gospel according to …’ whether you’re Desmond Tutu or Tim Tebow.” -Rachel Held Evans, Inspired
Comments Needed on CRM Racial Justice document
A “Racial Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Lens” for TPPC has been drafted by the Committed Racial Mindfulness (CRM) Ministry. This draft awaits comments from you — members and attendees of TPPC — before being presented to the Session (our TPPC governing body) for approval.
Congregational Meeting After Worship June 25
There will be a short congregational meeting right after worship this Sunday, June 25, to elect nominees to fill the empty deacon slots.