Lenten Choral Communion Service on April 3
The Takoma Park Presbyterian Church Choir and friends will present, along with the clergy, a special communion service on Sunday, April 3rd. The choir will be joined by a string quartet, harp, and organ for the occasion.
Photo by David Beale on Unsplash
TPPC Starts Lent Activities with Ash Wednesday Service
An Ash Wednesday Communion service will be held on March 2nd at 7 PM in the sanctuary, and a Wednesday Lenten Devotional series will start on March 9th.
Photo by Adrien Olichon on Unsplash
Join Us for Our Sanctuary Rededication Celebration on February 27
Join us for our Sanctuary Rededication Celebration on Sunday, February 27, from 2:00-3:00 PM, followed by a reception (in-person and Zoom).
Hybrid Worship Starts Again February 6th
The Takoma Park Presbyterian Church will resume hybrid worship starting Sunday, February 6th.
Sanctuary Rededication Celebration on February 27
Join us for a Sanctuary Rededication Celebration on Sunday, February 27, from 2:00-3:00 PM, followed by a reception.
Hybrid Worship Resumes February 6th
Takoma Park Presbyterian Church will continue to suspend in-person worship for the next few Sundays. Hybrid worship will resume on February 6th at 11 AM.
Worship Held Virtually Through January 9th
Takoma Park Presbyterian Church is reacting to the latest Covid surge by suspending in-person worship through January 9th.
Updated Advent Events for 2021
Details of updates for Advent-related events that will occur in the next couple of weeks at Takoma Park Presbyterian Church.
Advent 2021 at Takoma Park Presbyterian Church
TPPC is preparing for the Advent season to take us to the joy of Christmas Day. Here are some activities being planned for the Advent season.
All Saints Sunday, November 7th
On November 7th we will be celebrating All Saints Sunday, giving thanks for the great cloud of witnesses of all the faithful who have gone before us and who continue to give us courage on our own journeys of discipleship.
TPPC Summer Worship Plans
Next Sunday, July 4th, our worship will move to the library in the Education Building while the sanctuary is being renovated. The re-plastering and painting of the sanctuary are scheduled to be completed by about mid-August. We will move back to the sanctuary when the renovation is complete.
Announcing the Start of Hybrid Worship at TPPC
This coming Sunday, June 13, we invite people with last names starting with letters A through K to the sanctuary to participate in hybrid worship. The service will continue to be produced as primarily live-streamed worship for people attending on Zoom. People should not feel obligated to come to church, and may choose to continue to worship from home.